Sunday, March 20, 2011

Building a Marketing Plan for Essential Chords Book

I looked up Marketing Plan on Wikipedia to see what officially makes one up. And they wrote this,
"Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written marketing plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of actions, a marketing plan without a sound strategic foundation is of little use." 
Not really sure just what that means, I think my strategy is to sell my book. I am not sure what I wrote in the Marketing Plan post yesterday is really a marketing plan but it will have to do. I have been online since 1996 doing all kinds of activities. I have tried all kinds of methods to get people to come to my websites and buy my stuff. Some works, most doesn't. I know that if you want the best chance of success you need to write good content, make it clear, and give readers clear paths to your products, and be in lots of places, do this and you at least have a chance of selling something if it is something that they want. So that is what I will be doing as I push my book out into the world.

Yesterday was crazy with getting everything set up and loading up images and such on a bunch of different sites. Today I loaded up Essential Chord promo images on my Google Picassa account. I also set up an excel spread sheet of all the tracking and visitor numbers so that I can watch what is going on. If you don't track it you have no clue.

I don't have a clear step 1, 2, 3 kind of thing, I know that I will jump around the Plan but having a written plan will differently help keep me on track and give me a list of tasks. Let me know how you market your books and music, it is a journey.

Ok off to do more stuff.

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