Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Chord Chart for Mandolin Two Finger G Chords

We received a great email the other day from one of our readers. It had to do with a different 2 finger chord for the (1) One chord for the key of G on the mandolin, the G Chord. This one using the middle two strings, the D and the A strings. I haven’t used this position before but found that it gives a nice bright sound. I often use the lower position for the verses and the higher position for the chorus. This position like the others is movable up and down the fretboard. I think it is brighter sounding because the notes are reversed with the B on the higher string. This fingering can be moved all over the place so try experimenting. Very cool.

Make sure to check out all of our chord and music charts by just signing up over on the right. We love comments so thank you a lot and keep them coming.

Two Finger G Chords for the Mandolin

Here is the full email, thank you Bob for the post.

"I appreciate your website with all those great guitar and mandolin chords. I have been playing fiddle for a few years and within the last year have taken up the mandolin. An old fiddler taught me the major two finger chords for the keys of G (on the two middle strings), D (on the E and A strings) and C (on the D and G strings) and I found that they transferred well to the mandolin. I will see if I can explain them to you.

The two finger G chords are found on the two middle strings; the D and A strings. To find the I (one) chord you fret the B on the A string and the G on the D string. The IV chord (or C Chord) is found by fretting the E on the D string and the C on the A string. The V (or D ) chord is found by fretting the F# on the D string and the D on the A string. If you draw this on the diagram of your mandolin fretboard you will see the pattern (the old fiddler used patterns a lot). Now, you can move that same pattern over to the A and E strings (directly across) and you have the three major chords for the D scale. Move it over to the G and D strings and you have the major C chords.

And, if you move the G chord patterns a couple of frets toward the bridge on the same strings you have the A major chords, etc., etc. You may already be familiar with these patterns, but if you are not I want to tell you that using them is an excellent way to teach mandolin two finger chords. Once a person gets that pattern in his/her mind you can get the chords to any key.

If this is about as "clear as mud" let me know and I will try to clarify it. The old fiddler just told us and as he did I would try to draw it out roughly on a fiddle diagram. Then, I would come home and make a nice copy of it. I have given a number of people copies of my diagrams; both fiddle and mandolin players."


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Blank Guitar Sheet Music Book with Staff and TAB Lines

We have been busy over here at Acoustic Music TV trying to get all of our different publications out. Our latest book is Acoustic Music TV Blank Guitar Sheet Music with Staff and TAB Lines. The book contains 100 Blank Staff and Tab pages with coil binding for easy use. The Staff and TAB lines have also been spread apart to make them easier to write your music on. Includes chord box for each measure.

AMTV Blank Guitar Sheet Music also includes at the back the AMTV Notebook Music Charts for Guitar with fingering for the basic Major, Minor and Seventh Chords. Barre Chords for the 5th and 6th strings, Arpeggio Scales, and a 1, 4, 5 Chord Progression Chart. Also included are our Major Movable Soloing Scale for Folk and Country music, and the Minor Pentatonic Movable Soloing Scale for Blues, Rock or Latin Music for any key. A great resource when you are composing or just playing music.

Our book is available for purchasing at www.lulu.com in either a coil bound version or in a pdf download version.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Blank Mandolin Sheet Music with Staff and Tab Lines

Our newest book for mandolin players. Acoustic Music TV's Blank Mandolin Sheet Music with Staff and TAB Lines. Contains 100 Blank Staff and Tab pages with coil binding for easy use and laying flat. Staff and TAB lines have also been spread apart to make them easier to write on. Includes chord box for each measure. Book also includes at the back the AMTV Notebook Music Charts for Mandolin with fingering for the basic Major, Minor and Seventh Chords, full and 2 finger. Plus Arpeggio Scales, and a 1, 4, 5 Progression Chart. A great resource when you are composing.

The book can be purchased from www.lulu.com in either a coil bound version or in a pdf version

Inside Blank Mandolin Staff and TAB Page

Inside page from our newest book Blank Mandolin Sheet Music with Staff and TAB Lines, available on www.lulu.com and shortly from our AMTV Book Store